Decontaminating urn
Possibility of decontamination of waste
Disposal of masks, napkins, gloves
Environmentally safe method
patent 2754883
equipped with a microwave oven and an ultraviolet lamp, for use in public places
The personal protective equipment used is not only harmful to the environment, but also to people, as it can become a source of infection. Masks and gloves on city streets are medical waste of class B, which means they require special treatment
In connection with the pandemic on the streets, beaches, you can encounter "covid garbage" - masks, gloves, packages of disinfectants
According to Chinese scientists, COVID-19 on masks can live up to a week. A mask worn by a person infected with coronavirus can "infect" other household waste, as well as people who touch them
From the point of view of preventing the spread of coronavirus infection, this is not the best way.
People throw protective masks and gloves into ordinary trash bins, faced with the need to use them
From the point of view of environmental protection, the pandemic has generated a dangerous garbage stream that is not recycled and ends up in landfills.
If it is suspected that personal protective equipment may be infected, they must be treated as Class B and B waste. This means that they must first be decontaminated.
Disinfection waste collector for collection, disinfection, transportation and disposal of medical waste
This product is especially necessary during seasonal epidemics to reduce the spread of viruses and other pathogenic microflora.
People using masks, gloves or other protective equipment can now throw them not into a common trash bin, but into a decontaminating container.
It has a main working case and a waste bin
The device will significantly reduce the risk and the rate of spread of morbidity within the locality
Microwave magnetron
It can be used in self-service mode in crowded places
The functioning of the garbage collector is associated with electricity consumption, so the choice of installation location should be related to the availability of a power source
Frequency of microwave radiation 2450 MHz +/- 50 MHz
The device is equipped with a disinfection device
Main installation locations
Metro stations
Shopping malls
Public transport stops
Train stations
Commuter trains
The scheme of the garbage collector
Radiation effects infected materials, which causes microorganisms to die.
The hole through which the waste is placed in the garbage collector
uv lamp
A lamp that disinfects medical waste from the inside.
flap with fastening unit
In order to avoid the ingress of potentially dangerous microbes from the waste container into the external environment, the opening of the urn is closed. The flap is pushed back during the discharge of waste, when pressed.
waste bag
A container containing medical waste: masks, gloves, etc.
Extendable frame that facilitates the replacement of packages.
The possibility of disinfection of waste (including liquid) at the place of their formation, reduces the likelihood of the spread of infections;

Energy costs are lower than with high-temperature processing;

Processing is easy to automate, monitor and conduct the process in a continuous mode;

It is easy to operate and does not require special personnel qualifications;
Advantages of a microwave oven over traditional methods:
Environmental safety of the method (toxic compounds that are harmful to the environment and humans are not used and are not formed);

No special installation and configuration is required;

It is connected to a standard power outlet;

No special training or permission is required to work with the installation.
· The possibility of disinfection of waste (including liquid) at the place of their formation, significantly reduces the likelihood of the spread of infections;

· Energy costs are lower than with high-temperature treatment;

· Processing is easy to automate, monitor and conduct the process in a continuous mode;

· Easy to operate does not require special qualification of personnel;

· Environmental safety of the method (compounds that are toxic to humans and harmful to the environment are not used and are not formed);

· No special installation and configuration required;

· Connects to a standard power outlet;

· No special training or permission is required to work with the installation.
Garbage collection process
The side wall is extended
The frame on which the package is fixed is pulled out